2009 , Vol 4 , Num 3
The Effects of Prostaglandin Analogues on Central Corneal Thickness in Glaucoma Treatment
1S.B Ulucanlar Göz Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz, Ankara, Uz. Dr.2Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Halk Sağlığı ABD, Ankara, Doç. Dr.
3S.B Ulucanlar Göz Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz, Ankara, Doç. Dr.
4S.B Ulucanlar Göz Eğitim Ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Göz, Ankara, Prof. Dr. Purpose: To investigate the long-term effects of prostaglandin analogues (PG) on central corneal thickness (CCT).
Materials and Methods: 300 eyes of 150 cases with newlydiagnosed glaucoma, were studied prospectively. Latanoprost (group I), bimatoprost (group II) and travoprost (group III) monotherapy were begun as initial treatment, for the cases who were distributed into three groups randomly.
Results: There were not statistically significant differences among the groups for age, gender, race, and baseline values of intraocular pressure (IOP) and CCT. There were statistically significant decreases in IOPs at the post-treatment 3th, 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th months compared with the mean baseline values in all groups. The greatest decrease in IOP was seen to be in group II. The mean of the baseline CCT values 551.8±33.6 μm for the first, 555.3±33.8 μm for the second and 544.9±32.6 for the third group. Statistically significant decreases in CCT were detected at the post-treatment 3th month in all of the groups, compared with the baseline values. The highest decrease of CCT was seen in group III at the 3th month of the treatment. The CCT values of the group I at the following visits were not statistically significant different from baseline. In group II at the 12th month and also in group III at the 6th and 12th month of the treatment, the differences between the CCT values from baseline, were stastically significant.
Conclusions: PG analogues were seen to provide a potent effect on IOP and to cause a temporary decrease in CCT. Keywords : Bimatoprost, central corneal thickness, intraocular pressure, latanoprost, travoprost