2011 , Vol 6 , Num 1
Alternative Laser Applications
Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Göz Kliniği, İstanbul, Uzm. Dr.
Laser applications are very common in ophthalmology practice and they open up new frontiers in glaucoma diagnosis, treatment and follow up. Laser can be administered to the ciliary body, iris and iridocorneal angle for treatment but it can also be used as replacement or additional therapy to the basic therapy depending on the properties of the laser like contraction and photocoagulation on the tissues of the eye, photovaporization, photodistruption and photoablation. Laser applications in trabeculectomy, neovasculer glaucoma, malignant glaucoma, glaucoma seton implants, cyclodialysis, sclerostomy and non-penetrating glaucoma surgery are the examples of these practices.
Keywords :
Glaucoma treatment, anterior chamber laser treatment